Rainy Night in Central Park

by Jill Westbrook
Original - Sold
Not Specified
24.000 x 18.000 inches
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Rainy Night in Central Park
Jill Westbrook
Drawing - Watercolor
It was 1973. I was a Sophomore in college, majoring in Art. Out in the world the Sydney Opera House opened. It was the year of The Yom Kippur War and Watergate & the withdrawal of US troops from Vietnam. The World Trade Center in NY became the tallest building in the world. Wounded Knee happened. Secretariat won the Triple Crown. We watched Saturday Night Live & the Partridge Family, the Waltons & M*A*S*H*. Elton John sang Crocodile Rock & we all went to see American Graffiti�& Deliverance�well, some of us went to see Deliverance.
I was just beginning to dabble in watercolor. I think there was a magazine photo that was the inspiration for this attempt, sans people. But, being ever the romantic, I felt it needed some lovers. The style and control of this piece is awkward, but I still like the mood all these years later.
July 9th, 2015
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