Escort Duty

by Jill Westbrook
Original - Sold
23.600 x 15.810 inches
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Escort Duty
Jill Westbrook
Drawing - Graphite Pencil
ESCORT DUTY ♥ This is a rescue story. Kinda long, but I think you’ll like it:
When Pokey came to live at our place, he was old, blind in one eye and starving. Our friend, GT had rescued him but didn’t have the time it would take to try and keep him alive. When Lori & Dave heard about him, they said “We’ll take him” though with 4 girls and another horse, to take him on it would be a stretch. They kept him at our place along with their little Arab and mine.
The day GT was to drive him the 10 miles between our places, he called and said, “Don’t let Lori and the girls come out till after I’ve brought Pokey to your place. I’m not sure he will make the trip.”
He did make it and within the hour Lori and 4 little girls descended on that pony, loving him back to health. They brushed, combed & braided flowers into his mane. They faithfully fed him as many times a day as he needed, soaked beet pulp and hay and anything else the vet prescribed.
When he was healthy again, they found he was quite well trained and rode him all over our place. He lived out his days a pampered pony and trusted mount. I snapped this shot of the 4 girls and Pokey one golden afternoon knowing I had to draw the scene one day.
There are 5 girls now, the little one never met Pokey. But you bet she is learning all about loving a horse from her big sisters.
February 17th, 2023
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