Cutter at Work

by Jill Westbrook
Original - Sold
Not Specified
18.000 x 12.000 inches
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Cutter at Work
Jill Westbrook
Painting - Watercolor
I have always been mesmerized by the precise, quick dance between the horse and cow when the Cutting Horse is doing the work. I actually got to ride one of these amazing steeds on a cattle drive in Nebraska near the North Platte River. It was breathtaking. When a stray Angus calf broke away from the herd, �Captain� and I were the closest to him and as I looked his direction, Captain took that as his signal and took off at what felt a lot like jet speed, and got the job done. I was just a passenger holding on and hoping not to come across a prairie dog hole at that speed. With the calf back in the herd I finally breathed. Later, at breakfast in the cafe in Brady, all the ranchers were complimenting me on my riding and good work. I came clean and said I really had nothing to do with it. Captain did all the work and deserved the credit.
March 12th, 2011